"The Rise and Fall of Studabaker Hawk" introduces the city of gears, the invasion of technological monstrosities, the narrator and a little superhero with eyeballs on his cape. As the diabolic tentacles consume the denizens of the gear all hope seems lost. Amazingly one small individual fights back and refusing the assimilation he rises above the crowds dressed in a cape and mask. Instantly three enormous Billboard Robots sense the hero outstanding and attempt to destroy the rebel. Does the individual stand a chance against the over whelming prowess of giant commercial advertising? This superhero vs giant robot genre-piece is told from the perspective of street artist and performer as he witness the events in the downtown core. Simultaneously fantastical and fantastically auto-biographical, HEY APATHY! Book One exploits both playful superhuman battle scenes and secretly subliminal satires. PREVIEW BOOK ONE


"A Song For The Samurai" follows the misadventures of a wandering Ronin I met while performing in the streets of downtown. While searching for a giant eyeball, the Ronin is coaxed into helping a group of misfit vigilantes working out of a cybernetics repair shop. Will the Samurai get involved in the fiasco and just who are these strange characters willing to stand up for themselves in this apathetic day and age? The classic Samurai/Mafioso tale delves deep into the history, motivations, and subliminal philosophies which make up the City of Gears! The entire affair is documented by a little tiny street artist (that's me) watching the dramatic action and adventure unfold before his eyes! PREVIEW

"THE LAST OPTIMIST" is a surrealist underground art comics following the misadventures of a young suburbanite on a day trip downtown. Feeling disoriented by his life in the suburbs, this little anti-hero attempts to find his way in the big city and is greeted with nothing but folly and dispair. Everywhere he turns something horrible seems to happen! The precursor to the new HEY APATHY! comic book series examines my early experiences in the monstrous metropolis long before becoming a professional street performer. Bitter, utopian and pessimistic fun 'till the end suggested for MATURE READERS. PREVIEW UNDERGROUND COMIC


HEY APATHY! is a cross genre anthology of strange tales and unusual events from the City of Gears. The entire series is told from the perspective of a tiny street artist situated in the middle of the madness. The metropolis is a giant gear fuelled by all the crazy and unique individuals spiralling through it but a diabolic force threatens to assimilate the diversity by means of a technologically driven subliminal attack. Computerized tentacles are subverting the human conscious at an alarming rate and it is up to the Superheroes, Samurai, and songwriters to counter the invasion, but is it too late? The basic idea behind my first story arc is to examine numerous short genre pieces including superheroes, detectives, horror, Samurai, sci-fi and so on, which are all connected by an auto-biographical narrator and set within the singular imaginary landscape known as the City of Gears.