Sunday, July 11, 2010

Alternative Comics Another day at the public office...

Just finished up another Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition. The show was a bit slower than previous years as we lost Friday to rain, had to compete with the World Cup final and quite simply that tourists don’t come to T.O. anymore. Having said all that I still had a great time and met hundreds of people and nearly talked my head off. The highlight, as I mentioned yesterday, was meeting all the kids and it was nice to see people from Queen street and new faces as well. Oddly enough I only sold one painting but the comics, prints and t-shirts put me on par with the success of other years. I consider this a real accomplishment because it takes a lot of small sales to make the kind of money one get’s for original artwork, but in the end I did well and was really excited to be moving the books. Many people were really excited to get a copy of my third comic despite the fact they had already read the first two. Anyways the story that sticks out most in mind is my conversations with Braiden, one of the neighbourhood kids. Braiden used to come and see me at least once a week out on Queen street when I was still there regularly performing on the streets. I put him and his dad on the back cover page of HEY APATHY! Book Two and gave it to them a few weeks ago at the comic convention. He was really excited but had a small request. “Put me in a comic!” asked the little crazy kid. “You are in the comic” I replied and showed him the picture again and he said “ I know about that, but I want to be inside the comic!” I laughed but totally understood what he was saying and we spent about a half hour going through my sketchbook together. I love the public festivals and all the unique experiences but it’s back to work in the studio tomorrow and on with the animations… more at

1 comment:

  1. ...was a great pleasure to see you in action there.....and the comic books were very well received...the boys kicked themselves when they realized they jetted from the show without seeing you in person....
