Tuesday, June 15, 2010


HEY APATHY! Surreal Comics!

The metropolis development pinnacles at new heights, mastering the art of industry and finances as well as control. Devouring all thing known as natural the machine like city excels in production creating endless empowering new consumerist devices. Castles reach to the sky while kings reach inhuman wealth all of which is derivative of the planet below. As new products are made available they become utterly desired by way of a mesmeric promise of unobtainable gains. The masses partake in endless rituals, travelling endless road ways, and transposing seemingly endless substances for what they believe is their own gain.

However the long forgotten, yet still trotted and pillaged, gigantic orb known as earth lies restless in watch. She watches as they steal her lungs the giant trees, as they strap concrete over her pours and cause explosions in her skin. She sees them as they drain her emotions, the great sea, and when they replace her waters with depressive malformations. She feels it when large tubes pierce her vascular system sucking out her black blood with out the tiniest remorse.

It is highly unusual for one to perpetually sustain such harsh blows, yet mother nature has patience and time on her side. She is willing to wait for her enemies self undoing and knows of new vegetations and the storms which will ensue. And in the slight chance that man won’t destroy itself in time, she can feel the infectious meteor’s pull despite it’s still great distance. So with her calmly relaxed dreams she closes her eyes causing several earthquakes and envisions future days. In her sleep she sees vines growing higher than the sky washing away the castles and obliterating the paved patches all over her face. In the fantastic foliage, putting the finest rainforests to shame, she envelops the patterns of interwoven time. Therein the greats green tapestry lies her most joyous of dreams, as tiny liquid droplets imprison the remaining human beings. .


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