Wednesday, June 30, 2010


HEY APATHY! Alternative Comics

The G20 has come and gone leaving little trace of having ever existed asides from a large quantity of indecipherable youtube videos, a couple of way, way, way, back page stories of human rights violation and a lot of disgruntled civilians recently released from the “Torontonamo” detainment facilities. The entire experience has culminated as a distasteful confusion that has amounted to little. It would appear that the summit has determined means of saving our worlds finances while the streets are barren and a strange air taints the public. For the most part everything is back to normal and the machine grinds on despite the attempted refute. I myself feel drained and distracted and can’t even believe my own eyes nor my words. The entire situation has painted a grim picture of humanity and government and psychological manipulation. I only wish there was a better way and that people could organize themselves, and I have to wonder how many protestors are now safely at home drinking corporate coffee and eating mass produced food-stuff because they can’t really afford to buy fair trade or organic. ( 700 grams of sugar/corn oil and peanuts is cheaper than 150 grams of peanuts alone?)  Myself, I’m going to stop researching the unobtainable and return to my own brand of protest, writing stories, drawing pictures, and learning new words ( I made a list of 200 words long forgotten and secretly hide them in the sands of a children's playground  this morning). Everything I saw and attempted to correlate throughout all the chaos was as fictitious as a movie in light of harsher realities. That is not to say that I’ll bury these occurrences in the back of my heart like the news has buried them on the back page. No instead I will draw upon my intuitive eye witness and transmute these emotions as reference and evidence for things I already know and have been dealing with for a long time.The real villains still lurk like literature devouring monstrosities corrupting innocent minds and perpetuating strange ideologies, so I will attempt to let my disoriented infusion of angered love for all peoples continue to manifest as comics for kids. After all I believe that there is much hope for the future and that future lies only in the minds of the young. ( You've got to believe in something when the world is unbelievable... HEY APATHY!)

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