Friday, April 9, 2010

Alternative Comics in the City of Gears

HEY APATHY! Alternative Comics illustration

Day in and day out each passing moment twists and spirals throughout the routines of the metropolis. Each individual experiences a cyclic revolution of activities designed to progress not only the private but public existence as well. Like an intrinsic web the insurmountable occurrences, no matter how miniscule, weave together affecting one another maintaining an unknowable balance. With each alarm clock, meal, commute, and exchange the city grows perpetuating enveloping the madness of the masses. The architecture takes the shape of an enormous gear as the infinitely rotating cast of unique and unusual characters continue to fuel the machine...Welcome to the City of Gears!

"THE CITY OF GEARS" 20 x 30 inch ink drawing is one of the major symbolic expression in the HEY APATHY! mythology. When I first started the series I would draw the city as a black ominous gear engulfing the horizon over an endlessly anonymous crowd of faceless bubble people. Upon completion of the initial body of work I pointed up to one of the large crowd scenes and told a small audience that one day I would fill in all the faces To be totally honest I wasn't even sure what I meant by that.

It was about 3 years later, after performing in numerous public venues including renegade street art display in the downtown core, that I started to identify the hordes as unique individuals. By means of constant public interaction I started to gain a better understanding of the functioning of the metropolis. instead of a nihilistic conglomeration of superficial and commercial ideologies, I started to recognise the metropolis as an unbelievably vast culmination of minute experiences and actions. the good, the bad, and the homogenized all rolled into one amazing forum equally hope-filled and apocalyptically pessimistic. At the end of my second year as a street artist I sat down with a fine tip and some illustration board and penned this updated drawing of the City of Gears. visit

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