Thursday, April 1, 2010

Alternative Comics of Dreams and Intuition


The following set of observations will be made without reference nor in depth research in regard to the subject at hand. Therefore the article you are hereby presented with will be of little literary or scientific value. However the anecdotal experiences which I am about to share, pertaining to notions beyond the vocabulary of language and of scientific models, may retain some pertinent information. I perceive that by expressing this wholly internalized hypothesis I may incite a dialogue involving like-minded experiences or open those unsatisfied with their own interpretations to new possibilities. The ultimate goal being to improvise my immediate reactions to the topic of dreams opposed to intuition unfettered by academic influence. A second stage of this analysis will to be the eventual research and discuss these notions in order to solidify any probable theories. But I digress, having now wasted an entire paragraph explaining that this post is a fact-less editorial, fit only for the news, I will now divulge my opinion on the matter.

Of dreams one often believes the midnight movies from the back of your mind to be one of three powers. Some of us see these visions as precognitive warnings presenting inescapable scenes from the near future, Others feel that the stories are mixed up puzzles meant to deal with ones inadequacies or confused state of being. While many others still,  think they are nothing but nonsense. In my experience the dreams are none of these things.

As of late, during my sleeping hours, I have been tormented by endlessly black feelings of helplessness and despair . Although I can recall but few details (such as the lizard dream accounted in the blog only days ago) the terrifying sensation of depression lingers long after my deep rest. Not to say that I wallow in my nightmares throughout the day time, rather that a small inkling of the desolation can be recalled at a moments notice when I think of the night. I know there is some terrible fate lurking not far from my conscious mind. Fortunately and in direct contrast to the darkness, nothing has gone wrong in my waking life, and especially nothing in particular has fallen out from the dreams and into reality ( I use the term "reality" freely and loosely).

When I dreamt of a car accident, there was none. Where my pet and friend lizard suffered, she remained healthy. Although my lover had proceeded to chop me into little bits which then churned into cubes of a thick blackened ooze, my body remains intact. The more monstrous the dreams become the less likely they appear to actualize. Of coarse it is more than likely my lover will one day butcher my physique but the hances of the fragments turning into tar blocks in highly unlikely. No these dreams do not reveal the future, nor am I secretly concerned about my ultimate demise nor the obvious bet on how it will occur. In some cases ( once again I refer you to the lizard ream) the grotesque consequences imagined were little more than exageratted reminders of mild anxieties.

I have paid attention to the symbols and attempted to co-relate them to the present and to the future. I have even attempted to dismiss them as utter fiction. But alas I cannot deny it. The visions appear only as indulgent and excessive tortures devoid of meaning aside from there own existence. They simply express the darkest places and derive a fuelling inertia from the pain inflicted by their presence. They mean to hold us down. I say "us" because I know you all have them too. The truth is dreams are pure evil, a truth both derived from and reflective of existence, pure evil.

Of intuition I am familiar with many definitions, interpretations and modes which popular culture has classified but science has dismissed. Generally one either believes in intuitions or one does not. I must disagree with the opposing ideas and say that it is both.

Over the past seven years I have taken a great interest in certain quantifiable intuitions. The first is the sensation or thought of someone you know followed by a surprise surfacing of that exact person. I found the incidents to be in high numbers and above coincidence. I had the notion that it was not some strange intuition rather a heightened animal sense we all share but remain unaware of. Could it be possible that I actually caught the scent of these friends or acquaintances long before I was consciously aware of their presence? To test the theory I plugged my nose from the insides so as to be able to roam the public streets without attracting attention. Although I often thought of particular people at particular moments, the phenomena of "oh my, why I was just thinking of you..." ceased to play a role in my daily routine. In fact I ceased bumping into any people thatI knew at all! Could it be that our social connections are telepathically communicated through an exchange of chemicals secreted from our noses? I dare not take the plugs out, just to be sure.

The second intuition that has never failed me in my ability to guess exactly how much money I was entitled to acquire on any given day. Almost always around 11 am, the beginning or the retail hours, a number  pops into my head, $300, $600, $5000, or whatever and sure enough when I count the till at seven the amount always matches. Unfortunately the number isn't always an optimistic one but it is correct. Again I hypothesized the notion of extra-ordinary senses and decided that through these senses and experience that I was actually able to predict the figures based on the weather, the news, the local events, and a little unconscious algebra calculating all these factors which obviously affect consumer traffic. To test this theory I had myself blind folded, beaten dizzy, and dropped off at work with out any of the hypothesized information necessary for the equation. On repeated attempts I failed to guess any sensible numbers and in fact broke into a brief fit of amnesia in which I even failed to guess my name!

So in conclusion to my experiments and experimental opinions I believe that dreams are nothing but nightmares and that intuition is in fact a provable entity borne of faculties of the senses which popular theories and the human consciousness utilizes often but is currently unable to identify. Regardless of this drivel I can promise you that no numbers regarding he lottery have ever appeared in my mind's sight but I do have a sinking intuitive feeling that there will be dark dreams again tonight.

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