Friday, March 12, 2010

Alternative Comics and Animations


 Inspiration bound, yet unable to locate severall of the necassary tools I required to pursue the ensueing creativity, I had little choice but to tidy my studio yesterday morning. Despite the time taken to regulate my disorder and find my ink refills, the venture into the piles of papers and supplies proved fruitful. With a clean set up I had a clear mind and was very productive the rest of the day. I also found a small set of 5 x 5 inch ink drawings I made a while back  while working the streets.

It was interesting to find these illustrated panels because only days earlier I was thinking about all the works that I made and never documented. In particular I recall one of these 5 x 5 drawings depicting the first astronuat landing done during he Christmas season 2006. I have a poster of the landing in my studio and am frequently reminded of these artworks. So it was really nice to find them. I fixed them up with some digital inking magicianship and posted them here like a comics page. The photo below shows you what they actually looked like. Note the exploding building illustration in my hand, you can actually differentiate the parts done with marker ( shimering grey in the sunlight) and the india ink explosion ( flat black in the middle of the arcetechture.

The HEY APATHY! online comic is made in a similar manner to the panels I posted above. The strange adventure compiles all the comics I've made since 1999 chronologically in order to tell a larger tale. I am adding new pages in between the reprints in order to connect the anthology. The stories are made up from both fully drawn shorts and collaged artworks (like the ones on this page). It is also of interest to note that although some parts of this comic book have been printed before, most were only released as photocopy zines, and the print runs did not exceed 200. Chances not to many people ever saw them.

The most exciting, and ultimately frustrating act, of publishing the books online is the way I can intermingle stories, illustrations, and videos into the "Book" seamlessly with out the restrictions of paper back publishing. However my computer skills are novice at best and I am finding difficulties in accomplishing even some of the most simple online tasks.

Today I added sound to one of my animations. I planned to embed the video from youtube (as I can't seem to do it from my desktop, novice I know ) right into the story as comics panel you could watch. Well unfortunately the video capture for the animation comes from the middle of the movie and doesn't match the panel to panel narration.  The colour contrast is also way off on the film and I may have to re-shoot the stills digitally. This copy was made from a video transfer of ill-exposed 16mm film stock. Some one changed the aperture on me during the shoot and the whole thing came out yellow and grey instead of black and white. Anyways I dig the audio, it's a clip of me playing this awesome electric piano ( the piano is awesome not me) at one of the weekly jam sessions I attend with friends.Consider this a work in progress....

short HEY APATHY! animation from 2002

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