Friday, March 19, 2010

Alternative Comics Apathy, Despair, and Secret Rooms

apathy & despair covers from the HEY APATHY! online comics

So yet another diligent day at the drafting table. Spent all of my working hours on the commissioned toy design project and have finished the first stage of the process which involves several variations on the character's costume and features. The next step will require some discussions with my employer and a final draft of the figurine. Upon completion of my work I decided to go for a late day stroll and noticed a peculiaity previously unseen in the stairwell exiting my house.

Where as I was certain that there were only six units in the building, each occupied by individual tenants in ,  came across a seventh door in the middle of the hall. How was it I hadn't noticed this before? The door was impossibly situated along the steps and left little room within the structure as to accommodate any sort of compartment behind it. I decided to press my ear against the entrance (as strange as it may seem) to see if I could determine whether or not this was yet another apartment.

The door flung open and six dark figures were sitting around a reasonably sized room filled with computer equipment. One of them glanced in my direction. He had a strange curly moustache, like the kind one might associate with a stereotypical artiste, and was continually typing into a computer as an endless feed of paper rolled out from the printer beneath his feet. His eyes turned red in the dim light then he spoke out in a jolly voice "You have a really cool password". I don't know why but I am certain he was referring to the code I use to protect my computer files. Immediately following this brief discourse, one of the other figures stood up cutting between me and the strange scenery. With authority the figure grasped the door and said "this is official business." The door slammed in my face abruptly but without as sound.

When I returned from my walk I could not find the room, and in fact the entire architecture of the house seemed once more logical as though no such room could have ever existed. I chose not to inquire further in to the matter as I clearly must have  succumb to some sort of temporary intervention of the imagination. However upon I arriving in my own lodgings I found a brand new video game system and a set of virtual war programs sitting beside my desktop. I disposed of the gaming system and all though I have no intention of investigating the whereabouts of that room, I fear that I may see it again.

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